Friday, June 21, 2013

The You-yess Fantasy

So, a couple of months ago I was talking to one of my friends about my time in the US and I had some honest views about it. I was laughed at(not the bad one, a good laugh J) and told to write about it,
After some persuasion I promised that I would do so after my trip to India. So here it is,

“Just tell yourself, Duckie, you’re really quite lucky”

I am going to do something unusual about this. I would first like to talk about the guys who have not chosen to go to the You-Yess(Yes, that is how I pronounce it). Kudos to you guys, you are the ones who didn't take the easier way out and please, don’t be disheartened by the applause and the number of likes a “Got my Visa” status usually receives. And stop listening to those aunties and uncles who pester you with comparisons to one of your cousins or friends who are studying or working abroad. These people are most likely good-for-nothing chaps themselves who like to take out the failures of their lifelong bitterness on you.
Read the above quote by Dr. Suess again and realize how lucky you are to be with your family and friends. If that’s not something to smile about then I don’t know what is.

“Hope is a good thing. maybe the best of good things. and no good thing ever dies”
I've always been fascinated with this quote from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’(One of the best movies I’ve ever seen)
To those who will begin your journey to the you-yess in a few days, all I can say is, despite all of your inquiries with friends who've been there; I can promise you that you will have a unique experience for sure. What I cannot guarantee is that whether your initial experiences will be good or bad. Mine were exceedingly good so I am inclined to think that that is usually the case, but I’m told that the opposite does happen quite often too.

“When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other.

I was having a discussion with a Chinese friend about the number of people from each of our countries in the US when he made this comment, “There are lots of us, but with the number of guys you have in the cities of Texas and New York you could make up new cities all by yourselves”. He didn't of course use the exact same words (trust me their English sucks).

Anyway this got me thinking as to why do we go to the you-yess anyway.
I could think of two most common reasons.
1) Fun and 2) Money.

Those who already have the 2nd part do so in order to do attain the 1st part.
In either case we only make the journey upon suggestions from our previous generations who have been there and who blab about the ‘Great American Dream’ and the culture, the wonders etc. That might just be the reason why this dream will end soon.

People are sheep. There’s no point in denying it. Me, you and all of us are sheep who like to live in herds.

In the past, to earn the money needed to make it worth it, all you had to do was go to a ‘Good’ University and pass out with some ‘Good’ marks. With the exponential increase in our fellow country-men and the fact that not all jobs in the you-yess are for non-citizens, that bar has gone up. Now, just ‘Good’ doesn't seem to be enough and most realize this only when its too late.

For those of you who are not motivated by either of the above two reasons and are leaving your home country just to make use of the excellent teaching facilities over there. Thank you for your existence. Without you the world would be a shallow and bitter place to live in. Good luck to you.

One thing I have learned after spending a year and returning back to India is that the people, the warmth, the love and affection in our home country is very unique and can’t be replicated. I will miss it after this vacation is done.

Well to those of you who've liked this blog. I’m glad I could strike a chord.

To those of you who haven’t, well blogs are just suggestions and like Homer Simpson said, suggestions are like pants, they can always be ignored.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Steyn Prestige

Every SRH match consists of three parts or acts.

The first part is called "The Pledge".

We show you something ordinary: a small total to chase.
We make you feel content with it and ofcourse you fall for it.

The second act is called "The Turn".

We send the ordinary something and make it do something extraordinary.
A Vihari or a Karan Sharma.

Now you're looking for the secret but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled.

But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call..

"The Steyn Prestige"

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Glad to see the same old scenes
And the little house that means.
Memories of yesterday deep within,
Find its way to a new beginning.

Yes, it was nice to be away.
Plenty of new things to do and see,
But the old place seems to me
Just about the proper place to be.

Now the dance is over and when
the music dies down, and I realize
that I can't trade the world

for the feel of home.

I missed the warmth
and everything and everyone.
Everybody who pushed me to be
to everything I could ever hope to b

It's glad to be back,
to the only place,
Where my heart truly belongs.

It's glad to be.. Home.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Everyone always told how it was
No one said why, though.                                                                                                                           
Nonetheless he knew it.

They, all of them, all of you,
were preaching to the choir.
He could tell you a million 
and one reasons why.

But dreams are bigger than this
And they won't be put out that easy
When everything's meant to be broken
You will have to fight through and rise.

The sane filtering
of old drums banging into a calm
had long since ached for a walkway,
to heal this noise once and for all.

Motionless figures by dark corners,
Stolen glances stand to tell it all
Treading narrow slippery edges,
Eager yet afraid to take the vital call.

But dreams are bigger than this
And they won't be put out that easy
When everything's meant to be broken
You will have to fight through and rise.

Two fortunes, each day I rise to,
Awake from restless dreams 
Whence I walked alone,
Among narrow streets of stone.